Italiano: pronti, via!

by Gruppo Lingua

Corso multimediale d’italiano per stranieri

Italiano: pronti, via! is a new language course for young and adults who want learn Italian language and culture to communicate.
This complete course is based on the very latest learning methods and designed to be enjoyable and user-friendly.
It includes two volumes bringing the student from level A1 up to level B2-C1.
Each volume is organized into 8 chapters and subdivided as follows:

>> Unità 1:
– Lezione 1
– Lezione 2
– Culture and civilization related to lesson 1 and 2
– Exercises related to lesson 1 and 2
>>Unità 2:
– Lezione 3
– Lezione 4
– Culture and civilization related to lesson 3 and 4
– Exercises related to lesson 3 and 4
>> Unità 3:
– Lezione 5
– Lezione 6
– Culture and civilization related to lesson 5 and 6
– Exercises related to lesson 5 and 6
Test about the 3 units

Each lesson takes one and half hour. Each unit or module takes five hours and ends with a test. At the end of each volume takes place a synthetic grammar section. In the internet site: is available a multilingual glossary languages.

Italiano: pronti, via! vol. 1 Level: elementary A1/A2
Textbook ISBN: 978-88-557-0116-7; Pages 256
3 CD audio ISBN: 978-88-557-0160-0
Teacher’s guide ISBN: 978-88-557-0115-0; Pages 112

Italiano: pronti, via! vol. 2 Level: intermediate/advanced B1-B2/C1
Textbook ISBN: 978-88-557-0119-8; Pages 288
4 CD audio ISBN: 978-88-557-223-2
Teacher’s guide ISBN: 978-88-557-0117-4; Pages 104

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Guerra Edizioni

Main content page count: 256 Pages