# | Title | Author | Publisher | Price/Euro | ||
1 | Tutto e’ qui per te / Everything is Here for You | Fabio Volo | Mondadori | 19.00 | ||
2 | L’educazione delle farfalle / The Education of Butterflies | Donato Carrisi | Longanesi | 23.00 | ||
3 | Quando eravamo padroni del mondo. Roma: l’impero infinito / When We Ruled the World. Rome: The Infinite Empire | Aldo Cazzullo | HarperCollins Italia | 19.00 | ||
4 | Soledad. Un dicembre del commissario Ricciardi / Soledad: A December for Commissioner Ricciardi | Maurizio de Giovanni | Einaudi | 18.50 | ||
5 | Le armi della luce/ The Weapons of Light | Ken Follett | Mondadori | 27.00 | ||
6 | La portalettere / The Postmistress | Francesca Giannone | Nord | 19.00 | ||
7 | Giu’ nella valle / Down in the Valley | Paolo Cognetti | Einaudi | 16.00 | ||
8 | Due cuori in affitto. Limited Edition / Two Hearts for Rent | Felicia Kingsley | Newton Compton Editori | 14.90 | ||
9 | L’eta’ fragile / A Vulnerable Age | Donatella Di Pietrantonio | Einaudi | 18.00 | ||
10 | Abel | Alessandro Baricco | Feltrinelli |
* Source: www.ibuk.it
* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.
* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at info@italbooks.com
* Photo: Cover: L’educazione delle farfalle, by Donato Carrisi (Longanesi)