Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of Sept. 30-Oct. 6, 2024

# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro
1 Il Dio dei nostri padri. Il grande romanzo della Bibbia / The God of Our Fathers: The Great Story of the Bible Aldo Cazzullo HarperCollins Italia 19.50
2 La citta’ e le sue mura incerte / The City and Its Uncertain Walls Haruki Murakami Einaudi 23.00
3 Dimmi di te/ Tell Me About Yourself Chiara Gamberale Einaudi 18.00
4 Ridere/ Laughing Pera Toons Tunue’ 15.50
5 La donna del pozzo/ The Woman of the Well Piergiorgio Pulixi Feltrinelli 18.00
6 Risplendo non brucio / I’m Shining not Burning Ilaria Tuti Longanesi 22.00
7 La maestra del vetro/ The Glassmaker Tracy Chevalier Neri Pozza 20.00
8 Alma Federica Manzon Feltrinelli 18.00
9 Grazie, Occidente! Tutto il bene che abbiamo fatto/ Thanks, West! All the Good We Have Done Federico Rampini Mondadori 20.00
10 Fiamme dal passato. Dalle braci del Novecento alle guerre di oggi/Flames from the Past: From the Embers of the 20th Century  to Today’s Wars Paolo Mieli Rizzoli 18.50

* Source:

* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.

* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at

* Photo: Cover: Dimmi di te, by Chiara Gamberale (