Toccalossi Cerca Casa

by Roberto Centazzo

This is curious instruction left to his four nephews by the wealthy businessman Alberto Chilli.

The uncle, after a lifetime of success, decided to retire from business and to die out. He sold all his possessions, closed businesses and dictated his last will to the notary. But what will be this treasure the nephews will have to find? The uncle was sane or someone has influenced its capacity for discernment? Will his accountant Aurelio Cortellesi be involved with it? It could be a simple case of circumvention of a disable person but the former Prosecutor of the Republic of Savona, Lorenzo Toccalossi, recently moved to Genoa to direct the Anti-mafia District Attorney Office, alerted by his neighbor, the notary who drafted the will, decides to give him a hand. He is no longer in charge of the investigation but he wants to see clearly and decides to unofficial take care of the matter.

In the meantime, he is looking for a house, aided by an increasingly daring Erminia, his former assistant, now completely in love with him. An investigation conducted in the shadows, from which will emerge an affair hidden for half a century.

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Published by Fratelli Frilli Editori

Main content page count: Pages