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Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson


by D. Tonioli L. Biancato

This extremely practical and operational volume presents the best practices of integrated digital teaching that emerged in these months of emergency in eight different areas, and offers itself as a guide to face the future in a flexible and competent way. It proposes 101 ideas to harmonize synchronous and asynchronous activities, in presence or at a distance, exploiting the infinite potential of platforms, programs and tools that are now an integral part of our reality.  It is a collection of good practices, ideas, strategies, reflections and models to effectively organize integrated digital teaching, and is aimed at all teachers who are committed to imagining and organizing a new didactic normality.

Each idea is initially presented in a synthetic way, to make the reader understand immediately. The level(s) of school to which it is addressed are indicated above the title. The presentation is followed by the following sections:

  • Attention: shares specifications relating to the elements to be kept in mind, aimed at anticipating possible critical issues in applying the proposal.

  • Put in practice: illustrates the initial concrete application of the idea.

  • To find out more: proposes suggestions of books, sites, videos useful to enrich the topic and acquire greater confidence.


  • Introducing Integrated Digital Didactics in schools of all levels

  • Creating and share digital content

  • Integrating physical and virtual environments

  • Offering coding and robotics to all ages of students

  • Using educational platforms with the cloud

  • Cultivating relationships and cooperation

  • Promoting inclusion even at a distance

  • Educating for digital citizenship

  • Developing engaging and interactive teaching methods

  • Learning to evaluate processes and not (only) the results

The 101 ideas project collects the best ideas formulated and tested by the leading experts in the sector and groups them by thematic areas. An easy-to-use tool that provides numerous creative and inclusive insights to plan and work effectively.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

19.50 EUR

Published , Imprint: Erickson

Main content page count: 347 Pages

ISBN: 9788859026242