
by Simona Togneri

A spring night a car is driving along the side of the Arno with its headlights off. Three people come out the car. They open the trunk, pull out the body of a woman and they let it fall into the river. The morning after the son of the councilor, candidate number one for the office of President of Tuscany Region, returned at dawn with the muddy shoes . At the same time the parents complain to the police the disappearance of their daughter, Chiara Volpatti . 14 years old and a “place to cry.” One of those places where nobody is allowed to enter. One of those where you want to be alone and suffer in silence. When you are 14 years old you can still believe that is sufficient to protect you from external world. Chiara’s place to cry is a bench in the Giardino della Fortezza da Basso in Florence. That’s where she was immediately looked for but Chiara is not there. She is found dead a few days later, at the base of a pillar of the Victoria Bridge. Along with all the questions that brings. Searching for answers is Commissioner Franco Mezzanotte, who used to bath in the Arno when he was a child and his most trusted man Simòn Renoir, who tries to capture every nuance of color about the river. They both know that he is the real master. He that divides Florence in two and separates the good from the bad, the sins of the sinners.

In a city where even the art and love struggle to find their size, the investigation of Simón and Mezzanotte will lead them to understand that the truth can cost a lot. And that sometimes the questions have the worst answers.

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Published by Fratelli Frilli Editori

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