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Guerra Edizioni


by Marco Mezzadri Linuccio Pederzani

civiltà e cultura italiana per ragazzi

Textbook, ISBN 978-88-557-0016-0; Pages 160
Teachers’ guide, ISBN 978-88-557-0027-6; Pages 96

Civiltàpuntoit is a civilization manual for young students of Italian as a second language form level A1 up to B2 of European Common Framework of Reference for the Languages. The book introduces 22 didactic modules with a detailed presentation of the Italian culture today and 7 games to self evaluate the progress. The choice of the grammatical structures, the number and the quality of the words, the structure of sentences follow the increase of the linguistic-communicative competences of the student.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Guerra Edizioni

Main content page count: 96 Pages

ISBN: 9788855700160