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Loescher Editore

Grammatica Semplificata Per Stranieri

by Enrica Arrighi

This grammar for foreign learners was born from a specific publishing choice: providing foreign learners with a reference book for language learning, and enabling them to work in parallel with the rest of the class.

The text was born from written work experimented in school context. It is slim and practical; it offers a rich itinerary of graduated exercises, and of formative and final tests.

The vocabulary used for explanations and exercises is mostly simple but wide-ranging, and useful in practical and daily situations.

The text is divided into thematic macrosections, each of which is subdivided into units starting with short grammatical explanations, coupled with graduated test exercises.

At the end of each macrosection, there are test exercises designed for self-evaluation too. According to the achieved score, every learner will be referred to a remedial or consolidating itinerary, enabling the teacher to manage differentiated situations.

The most prominent features are the simple exposure, the high number of operative exercises, and the constant testing of learning objectives.

The didactic proposal is completed by a Teacher’s guide with analysis files illustrating the phonological and morphosyntactic characteristics of three foreign languages (Chinese, Arabic and Russian) in order to help the teacher understand the foreign students’ main difficulties in learning the Italian language, reasoned bibliography files (novels, history of literature, travelogues) to further promote the foreign students’ knowledge of the world, proposals to organize welcoming moments and intercultural and multicultural itineraries within the classes. Also included in the guide are some formative and final tests.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Loescher Editore

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788882442309