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by Matteo La Grassa Donatella Troncarelli

Esprimersi con le frasi: funzioni, forme e attività

GrammaticAvanzata is addressed to adult and adolescent foreign students of B2-C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The volume follows an approach based on communication, aiming to help students develop all necessary skills to single out, from a number of available expressive forms, the ones they need to properly express themselves.

The language used in GrammaticAvanzata is simple and avoids to use technical terms, resulting in being quite transparent and accessible.

GrammaticAvanzata is divided into 17 units and 4 tests organized into four sections:

•  Complete the meaning of a phrase

•  Express cause and effect clauses

•  Express time and manner clauses

•  Express other clauses

Each chapter provides numerous exercises of different types referring to specific sections, aiming at enabling students to practically apply what they have already learnt.

Keys to all exercises are given in the appendix.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Edilingua

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788898433889