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Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson


by F. Chiacchio Luca Vullo Daniela Lucangeli

Looking, listening, gestures, contact: non-verbal communication at school

The body IS the teacher, born from the collaboration between Professor Daniela Lucangeli and the communication expert director Luca Vullo, is a unique manual to learn about the importance of non-verbal communication at schoolExamples and suggestions, together with the suggestion tables by Francesco Chiacchio, allow you to learn the language of the body and gestures, posture and presence, listening and empathy. Starting from real situations that a teacher can often encounter, such as keeping pupils’ attention, how to organize interesting and compelling lessons, how to educate about emotional intelligence to manage conflicts and improve the classroom atmosphere, this volume analyzes the problems and proposes solutions and exercises to learn how to best use gestures and expressions, transforming them into real communication tools to get in touch with students.

By reading this book, you will learn to master facial expressions, gestures, tone and timbre of the voice, transforming the non-verbal and paraverbal code into your best communication resource, significantly improving your relationship with students and colleagues and obtaining more easily listening and

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

17.50 EUR

Published , Imprint: Erickson

Main content page count: 144 Pages

ISBN: 9788859024743