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Les Mots Libres edizioni

Il libro più straordinario del mondo

by Canizales

The Best Book Ever!

By Canizales

Something weird is going on into little Samuel’s house: some of his toys start to disappear. The weird culprit is soon identified: it is the book itself, who swallows up Samuel’s toys – and Samuel himself! – between its folds. After taking a nap, the book spits out Robot, Clown and Dino (the dinosaur), in the form of three small books – three real books you can flip through, fixed into the main one. Samuel, at first offended by not being assigned a book with his own story, right away becomes aware of being the protagonist of a great adventure…

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published Ottobre 2017 by Les Mots Libres edizioni

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788894239027