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Les Mots Libres edizioni

Il mio nome non è Rifugiato

by Kate Milner

My Name is Not Refugee

By Kate Milner

«We have to leave this town, my mother told me, it’s not safe for us, she said. Shall I tell you what it will be like?». It’s going to be a long long way for the protagonists of this book, a child and his mother: they will walk and wait, all alone and with others. They will learn new words, and will get to a place where they can stay, and be safe. A journey through the pages and a path among the emotions and thoughts of those who are forced to leave their country. My Name is Not Refugee is a book that, through direct questions, draws the young reader (3 years of age and older) into each stage of the trip, inviting the chance to imagine the decisions he or she would make through this hard, human march.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published Giugno 2018 by Les Mots Libres edizioni

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788894239034