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Marsilio Editori

Il Mullah Omar

by Massimo Fini

(English suggested title: The Mullah Omar)

A biography of the leader of the Taliban movement, considered one of the most mysterious figures in the world today. The portrait of a reclusive, shy man who carries on the struggle for Afghanistan, its values and dignity, Fini’s book can also be read as a metaphor for the war between the Man and the Machine, the Man and the power of money, between Eastern and Western ways of life. A book which helps to know what the West is nowadays and why.

About the Author:
Massimo Fini (1943), one of the most famous Italian writers and journalists, free spirit par excellence, is author of several books which became real landmarks to those readers blaming political rhetoric and hypocrisy. He’s author of the best-sellers La Ragione aveva Torto?; Elogio della guerra; Il Conformista; Nerone, 2000 anni di calunnie; Catilina, ritratto di un uomo in rivolta; Il denaro, “sterco del demonio”; Dizionario erotico, manuale contro la donna a favore della femmina; Nietzsche. L’apolide dell’esistenza; Il vizio oscuro dell’Occidente; Sudditi; Il Ribelle dalla A alla Z; Ragazzo. Storia di una vecchiaia; Il dio Thoth, all published by Marsilio.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Marsilio Editori

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788831709200