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Round Robin Editrice

La bomba e la Gina (Intorno a piazza Fontana)

by Marco Codebò

Book Series: Babordo
Genre: non fiction/essays

This investigative novel retraces the tragic terrorist attack on the Bank of Agriculture, in Milan, on  December 12, 1969, through the eyes of an American university student who had gone to Italy to finish his doctoral thesis. Wandering around State archives and libraries, zigzagging among bureaucracy disguised as censorship and testimonies by fits and starts, he will discover an indissoluble connection between the massacre and important historical events, disclosing a line which starts from the end of the Second World War, the interior exile of Sandro Pertini in Ventotene, the Italian resistance and beyond.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Round Robin Editrice

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788895731452