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Round Robin Editrice

Natale De Grazia

by Enzo Mangini Anna Cimitti Pierdomenico Sirianni

Book Series: Libeccio (southwest wind)
Genre: Graphic novel

Nobody has been found guilty yet. There is no sentence. There is an intrigue, or rather more than one. There is also a victim: Natale De Grazia, a port officer of the Port Captain’s Office of Reggio Calabria (Calabria region). De Grazia died in the night between the 12th and the 13th of December 1995. He died of heart attack, they officially said. At that time, he was 38 and was in good health. He was part of the non-returnable ships investigation team, the tramp ships loaded with radioactive, toxic and nuclear waste dumped into the sea by ‘ndrangheta (Calabria’s criminal organization). From the South to the North of Italy until the darkest and most far-away ports of the Mediterranean Sea, the rampant northwesterly wind brings back stories of mafia, unscrupulous wheeler-dealers, and corrupted politicians involved in an odd ship battle where not crafts but cargos are the ones that really sink. An odd war whit no enemies to fight. The winning ship is the one who kills itself by disappearing down into the deep sea. Forever and without leaving a trace… or at least that was the intention. De Grazia was following a clue which had leaded him close to other intrigues as the one of the killing, in Somalia, of the RAI journalist Ilaria Alpi and her cameraman Miran Hrovatin, and the role played by a wheeler-dealer allegedly involved in the P2 Lodge, who was able to move between governs and international ship owners. Fifteen years have passed from that night and these are still the only clues, less and less followed, unfortunately.

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Paperback / softback

Published by Round Robin Editrice

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788895731223