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Piccola Peg

by Alessandro Gatti. Illustrated by Giulia Sagramola

Little Peg

Peg is a lively, resourceful little girl who lives with her grandpa in a small village, where they produce an excellent milk. She loves nature and spends most of her time in the country with a very peculiar friend: Mr. Acklethorpe, a smart, funny teddy bear who gives her advice in every situation (though he’s just a little bit grumpy). Everything seems to be fine until grandpa goes to town… and doesn’t come back. Little Peg is worried: grandpa had to talk to the boss of the biggest milk factory in town – is he in trouble? It’s time to go into action! With her wonderful little motorcar – grandpa’s invention – Peg slowly drives to the city, accompanied by her trusted Mr. Acklethorpe… ready to meet new friends, have lots of adventures and save the day!

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Editrice Il Castoro

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788880336822