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Piccolo e forte! A

by Lucia Madii Maria Carla Borgogni

Corso multimediale di lingua italiana per bambini

Piccolo e forte! A is the first of two preparatory volumes to our innovative course for children Forte!

• It is ideal for children aged 4-6 who are introduced to Italian for the first time mainly through an oral approach to the language;

• Children are motivated to learn the language through a recreational and involving approach;

• The second volume of Piccolo e forte! B(age 5-7) introduces the written language.

The Student’s book of Piccolo e forte! A includes the following:

• 1 Introductory Unit and 6 Units, introduced by songs and followed by stimulating activities and a short listening of an episode also illustrated in comic-strips;

• 2 Intervalli!!!, recapitulation through stimulating and fun activities and games;

• Il tesoro delle parole, a small picture dictionary, useful to consolidate on and revise the vocabulary acquired;

• L’angolo del taglia e incolla, with images to cut and use during the suggested activities;

• Gioca con le flashcard!, with images to play games such as memory and tombola;

• 1 audioCD, attached to the book, including all the audio tracks, nursery rhymes and songs.

The course is linked together by an illustrated comic-strips with the adventures of five kids of different nationalities, their friends and some fantastic characters.

Piccolo e forte! A is completed by the Teacher’s Guide that offers detailed explanations, guidelines and suggestions on how to do the activities and play the games. It also includes useful material to photocopy and use.

Available product forms

Paperback / softback

Paperback / softback

Published by Edilingua

Main content page count: Pages

ISBN: 9788899358044