Ubrian Pottery From 1897 to 1947


This book examines pieces coming from private collections to reconstruct the history of a crucial period particularly rich with developments for the ceramics of Deruta and Perugia which, starting from the revival of the traditional Renaissance potters’ repertory, evolved to develop a high-level serial production employing the skills of real artists and designers.


The wealth of photographs fully illustrates the 50 years spanning from the end of the 19th century to the post-WWII period, starting from the historicism that recreated the most well-known decorations of the Umbrian Renaissance (“belle donne”, idealized portraits of great men of the past, coats of arms, wolf’s tooth border patterns, grotesques, etc.) and revived the luster technique, up to the variegated production of the C.I.M.A. consortium (Consorzio Italiano Maioliche Artistiche) in its two factories in Deruta and Perugia. At this point there is a modernization of the selection, ranging from delightful Art Deco-style statuettes made by Salamandra in the 1920s, to Zulimo Aretini’s folk-style graffiti and an endless range of pieces created specifically for the Perugina confectionery company.

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Paperback / softback

Published by Editrice La Rocca

Main content page count: Pages