Opening Day at Comic-Con International!
Opening day at Comic-Con in San Diego! Come by our booth #5526 and check out the creative talents of some of Italy’s most innovative artists and storytellers: Fabrizio Capigatti & Martina Fari
Opening day at Comic-Con in San Diego! Come by our booth #5526 and check out the creative talents of some of Italy’s most innovative artists and storytellers: Fabrizio Capigatti & Martina Fari
The Italian Trade Agency will be exhibiting at Comic-Con International 2019 in San Diego. Comic-Con International is the largest multi-genre entertainment and comic convention held in the United States, and is held annually in San Diego, California (USA). We will be at booth # 5526 as we showcase 7 of Italy’s most innovative Italian artists, publishers and educators at Comic-Con this week. See first-hand … Continued
Comic-Con International in San Diego is just around the corner: July 18 – 21st. And we at the Italbooks and the Italian Trade Agency are excited to announce our group of Italian comic book publishers, artists and a comic arts school that will be in our booth ( #5526). Our exhibitors include publishers: Coconino Press and Tunué; comic book artists: Arianna Stefanini, Fabrizio Capigatti, … Continued
Comic-Con International in San Diego is just around the corner: July 18 – 21st. And we at the Italbooks and the Italian Trade Agency are excited to announce our group of Italian comic book publishers, artists and a comic arts school that will be in our booth ( #5526). Our exhibitors include publishers: Coconino Press and Tunue’; comic book artists: Arianna Stefanini, Fabrizio Capigatti … Continued
List/ Title/ Author/ Publisher/ Price (EURO) 1 Il cuoco dell’Alcyon Andrea Camilleri Sellerio Editore Palermo 14,00 2 La stanza delle farfalle Lucinda Riley Giunti Editore 17,90 3 I leoni di Sicilia. La saga dei Florio Stefania Auci Nord 18,00 4 Entra nel mondo di Luì e Sofì. Il fantalibro dei Me contro Te Me contro Te Mondadori Electa 16,90 5 Il sigillo del cielo … Continued
List / Title / Author / Publisher / Price (Euro) 1. Il cuoco dell’Alcyon / Andrea Camilleri / Sellerio Editore Palermo/ 14,00 2. I leoni di Sicilia. La saga dei Florio / Stefania Auci / Nord/ 18,00 3. Entra nel mondo di Luì e Sofì. Il fantalibro dei Me contro Te / Me contro Te / Mondadori Electa/ 16,90 4. Nella notte / Concita … Continued
At BookExpo and the New York Rights Fair. Great meetings with the international publishing community. Here with Marco Zapparoli at the A.D.E.I. booth at BookExpo.
At BookExpo and the New York Rights Fair. Great meetings with the international publishing community. Here with Marco Zapparoli at the A.D.E.I. booth at BookExpo. #publishing #international #rights #ADEI #italy #italia #libri #BookExpo #NewYorkRightsFair #ItalianTradeAgency #ICEChicago
List/Title/Author/Publisher/Price (Euro) 1. Entra nel mondo di Luì e Sofì. Il fantalibro dei Me contro Te / Me contro Te/ Mondadori Electa/ 16,90 2. Nella notte/ Concita De Gregorio/ Feltrinelli/ 16,50 3. I leoni di Sicilia. La saga dei Florio/ Stefania Auci/ Nord/ 18,00 4. In mare non esistono taxi. Ediz. illustrata/ Roberto Saviano/ Contrasto/ 21,90 5. Linea di sangue/ Angela Marsons/ Newton Compton/ … Continued