Call for Proposals “For the translation and dissemination of Italian books and reading abroad by Italian authors”
The Call for Proposals is aimed at Italian publishers interested in promoting the translation of books and the reading abroad of Italian authors, also through or in collaboration with Italian schools and the network of Italian Cultural Institutes and their libraries, with the aim of disseminating Italian works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and children’s literature, in order to enhance our culture at an international level.
All types of works are eligible, with the exception of school publications, which have already been published in Italian at the time of the publication of the Call for Entries.
Translations will be admitted into all foreign languages, with priority for works in translation into English, French, Spanish and German.
Project proposals, accompanied by all the required documentation, must be completed and sent exclusively online, through the new Centre for Books Proposal platform, no later than 13:00 on 30 January 2023.
For additional information: