Acco Editore

Acco Editore’s catalog currently has about 70 titles, and 40 more titles are expected to be added in the coming year. Among their awards are Chiari’s best children’s book for “Piedi caldi…

Acco Editore’s catalog currently has about 70 titles, and 40 more titles are expected to be added in the coming year. Among their awards are Chiari’s best children’s book for “Piedi caldi e sangue freddo”, best travel diary for “Il mondo mio (il mio),” and twice for the San vito dei normanni alla manifestazione Primavera prize for the books “Baby ranocchio” and “Magica Emma.” Acco’s notable authors include Fulvia degl’ Innocenti, Dusan Dusek, Michael Brule, Jan Uliciansky and Roberto Ferrari.

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Fax+39 0323 341079

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