Edizioni EL Srl

Edizioni EL is a publishing house specialized in books for children aged 0 to fourteen. Edizioni EL publishes 200 new titles every year and has a catalogue of 2000 available titles...

It manages three imprints: Edizioni ELEinaudi RagazziEmme Edizioni.

Edizioni EL’s production ranges from cloth books for very young children and fiction for young adults, to fictional series and picture books of strong visual impact. Edizioni EL’s backlist features the most important works by Gianni Rodari, the only Italian author ever to be granted the international “Hans Christian Andersen Award”, as well as novels, poetry and stories by acclaimed Italian writers.

Edizioni EL has been operating uninterruptedly for over forty years and has structured its catalogue with particular care, in order to offer beautiful, entertaining books suitable for readers of all ages, so that each can choose what is best for them and make reading a major part of the process of growing up.

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