
Edizioni Lindau is an independent Italian publisher founded in 1989 and devoted both to fiction (literary-contemporary and modern classics) and non-fiction (current events, history, religion, biographies etc.)

Lindau\\\'s main feature is to walk across paths disregarded by the mass-market publishers and to discover, and rediscover, authors, stories, topics considered \\\"out-of-date\\\" or \\\"incorrect\\\" in the mainstream thinking.

Our greatest project currently rolling is related to the fiction writer Carlo Coccioli. He was very prolific writer (he worked from 1946 to 2002) and had been translated in 15 foreign languages. His story is rich, complex, fascinating. He was many things: soldier, hero of the antifascist “Resistenza”, spiritual seeker, intellectual, pioneer of the LGBTQ+ movement and, naturally, polyglot writer and novelist. His biography, as well as the list and description of all his works, can be found - also in English- on this website entirely dedicated to him: https://www.carlococcioli.com

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Best selling products

HEAVEN AND EARTH (Il cielo e la terra) by Carlo Coccioli https://www.lindau.it/Libri/Il-cielo-e-la-terra; SMALL KARMA (Piccolo Karma) by Carlo Coccioli https://www.lindau.it/Libri/Piccolo-Karma; THE II VATICAN COUNCIL. An Unwritten History (Il Concilio Vaticano II) by Roberto De Mattei https://www.lindau.it/Libri/Il-Concilio-Vaticano-II

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