Companies 291 - 300 / 403 | ||
Didael SpA
Publisher DIDAEL, the “Italian web knowledge company”, creates products for training and professional communication. Our products are based on the most advanced technologies and on the internet, which is the company’s largest area… |
Editrice Elledici
The publishing house ‘ELLEDICI’ has worked for more than sixty years in the domain of catechesis and teaching of religion, education, and evangelization, with particular attention for young people and their educators,… |
Edizioni Edilingua is a world leader in the field of Italian as foreign language. Our catalogue includes a complete series of high quality teaching materials: course books and supplementary books, educational games, videos… |
Editori Riunti
Edibas Srl
Publisher EDIBAS is a leading publishing company in the Italian market specializing in the publication and distribution of posters, postcards, calendars, collectable Lamincards and folders, color and activity albums, distributed through kiosks, bookshops… |
Dante Alighieri Siena
Art & Language school Società Dante Alighieri is one of the most prestigious and highly recommended language schools in Italy. It offers a diverse range of language and culture programs, tailor-made courses and cookery programs suitable… |
Daniela Piazza Editore
Damiani Editore
Publisher Founded in May 2004 as a branch of the printer Grafiche Damiani, with over 60 years of experience of art and photography printing, Damiani Editore is dedicated to continuing the long-held tradition… |
Editrice Abitare Segesta
Publisher Editrice Abitare Segesta publishes Abitare, a monthly architecture and design publication; Costruire, for the building industry; Zodiac, a six-monthly architectural review; Case da Abitare, an interior decoration magazine. Editorial production includes architectural… |
Cortella Poligrafica Srl
Other Lithographic and offset printing, book print, newsprint, printing of magazines and books, bill pads, postcards, colour photographs, large posters, catalogues and brochures, labels, tags, adhesive and self-adhesive labels, forms, index cards, continuous… |