Top Ten Bestsellers in Italy, week of July 15 – 21, 2024

# Title Author Publisher Price/Euro
1 L’eta’ fragile / A Delicate Age Donatella Di Pietrantonio Einaudi 18.00
2 Domani, domani / Tomorrow, Tomorrow Francesca Giannone Nord 19.00
3 Come l’arancio amaro / Like a Bitter Orange Milena Palminteri Bompiani 20.00
4 Il Castagno dei cento cavalli/ The Hundred Horse Chestnut Tree Cristina Cassar Scalia Einaudi 18.50
5 La regina dei sentieri/ Queen of the Trails Samantha Bruzzone, Marco Malvaldi Sellerio Editore Palermo 16.00
6 Sulla pietra/On the Slab Fred Vargas Einaudi 20.00
7 La neve in fondo al mare/ The Snow at the Bottom of the Sea Matteo Bussola  Einaudi 17.00
8 Un animale selvaggio / A Wild Animal Joel Dicker La nave di Teseo 22.00
9 La portalettere / The Postmistress Francesca Giannone Nord 19.00
10 Quando inizia la felicita’. Di domande, nascite e rinascite/ When Happiness Begins: questions, births and rebirths Gianluca Gotto Mondadori 19.50

* Source:

* Those books that have been published in English are listed with their official English-language title. All others are translated as literally as possible from the original.

* For additional information, please contact the Italbooks team at

* Photo: Cover: Come l’arancio amaro, by Milena Palminteri (Bompiani)