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Lascott srl
Publisher LASCOTT srl is a company founded in 2020 as an Innovative Startup engaged in the digital convergence sector in the production processes of journalistic, informative and scientific content intended for communication, edition and representation of information. It is the publisher of Grandtour, a bimonthly magazine distributed in Italy and online. |
Puglia Culture
Public Sector Administration Since its establishment in 1979, Puglia Culture has carried out an uninterrupted work that mirrors the peculiarities of the territory of Puglia, with the aim of spreading widely the culture of theater, dance, children’s theater, contemporary circus, publishing and music in the vast and diversified territory of this land. Over the years, Puglia Culture has also proved to be a multifaceted organization which is called upon to renew itself further to face new challenges, being part of a constantly evolving international and national system |
Vinciana editrice s.a.s.
Publisher Our publishing house specializes in creating manuals for teaching drawing and painting techniques. We offer two main series: the LEONARDO COLLECTION and the LEONARDO TECHNICAL MANUALS. Both are perfect for art lovers, hobbyists, art schools, and professionals. The Leonardo Collection series has 48 titles, translated into over 5 languages and available in many countries worldwide. With over 40 years of experience, we are ready to support any project related to the Fine Arts and their promotion. |
Golinelli srl
Printing Company Golinelli is a certified Italian printing company uses cutting-edge printing technologies to reproduce colors and images of outstanding quality and depth. We believe a lot in details, so we can make a great difference providing to our customers innovative solutions, with competitive prices and respecting delivery times. |
Edizioni Nisroch
Publisher Edizioni Nisroch is born to promote ideas and principles capable of enrich knowledge, to be truly free. We are in search of what connects us as humans. Why do we love heretics and dreamers? Because who breaks dominant patterns can create a better world. |
Guida Editori Srl
Publisher La Guida Editori srl nasce per iniziativa di Diego Guida, terzo in ordine di generazione di una ramificata famiglia di librai ed editori. Il nonno, Alfredo Guida, aveva dato inizio alle attività aprendo negli anni Venti una libreria a Port’Alba, nel cuore del centro storico di Napoli; dieci anni più tardi, aveva poi fondato l’omonima casa editrice, pubblicando l’”Opera omnia” di Francesco D’Ovidio, senatore del Regno d’Italia e poi presidente dell’Accademia dei Lincei. La nuova sigla editoriale, nel 1935, riceveva già la prima medaglia d’oro per l’editoria internazionale alla fiera del libro di Bruxelles. Si gettavano così le basi per la nascita di uno spazio culturale destinato, dagli anni Sessanta, ad ospitare nella “Saletta rossa” (dal colore delle poltroncine), i più bei nomi della cultura italiana e straniera: Roland Barthes, Dominique Fernandez, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginzberg, Umberto Eco, Giorgio Bassani, Alberto Moravia, Pierre Klossowski, George Simenon, solo per citarne alcuni. |
Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson
Publisher Thanks to its high scientific standards, Erickson has become leader in Italy in publishing, software creation, training and research in the fields of teaching, education, learning disabilities, special needs, full inclusion, applied and clinical psychology, social work and welfare. Our publications are well known and much appreciated because they couple innovative theory and methodology with operational suggestions, case studies and good practices. |
Leah Janeczko
Translation Agency (or Translator) Italian-to-English literary translator and creative consultant |
Printing Company Editorial brand of GrafiSystem, established in 2003. Di Marsico Libri’s aim is to help build a conscious and healthy society through reading. Books for children with a therapeutic aspect, the adult fiction series,… |
Italian Trade Agency
Publisher The Italian Trade Agency is a governmental entity tasked with promoting trade and investment with Italian companies. It operates a marketing and communication support task force in the USA, based in its Chicago office. |